Forums - MVC2:Something that will work against Blackheart when he does inferno xx HOD!!!!!!! Show all 20 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MVC2:Something that will work against Blackheart when he does inferno xx HOD!!!!!!! ( Posted by Silent Storm on 01:07:2002 07:52 AM: Something that will work against Blackheart when he does inferno xx HOD!!!!!!! If you have cable and a player does inferno xx heart of darkness, if timed right you can ahvb bh and stop him. Another thing you can do is when you are blocking in the air with cable, and bh does this, once again if timed right ahvb him. Your first few times you may not be successful but after a few times it will be very useful when playing against a BH user. Have any remarks or questions about this tactic, Just post them and i'll get back as sson as i can Posted by Legolas on 01:07:2002 08:28 AM: Besides Cable who else could counter back? Posted by BarrelO on 01:07:2002 08:35 AM: Ummm...I don't know if you know this, but Cable can just let the HOD hit him and AHVB Blackheart during the forced dash-in. Posted by power-dn on 01:07:2002 08:55 AM: After the inferno, try to walk foward. Sometimes (not all the time), you can walk out while the HOD is going. You walk right pass it and Blackheart is left wide open. If you try this... 1. You walk out. or 2. The game engine makes you block the HOD. People were very surprised when I first started doing this. Posted by psx2000 on 01:07:2002 12:09 PM: quote: Originally posted by BarrelO Ummm...I don't know if you know this, but Cable can just let the HOD hit him and AHVB Blackheart during the forced dash-in. WRONG, I aint the greatest mvc2 player but i learned from team seatle at B5, that if blackheart does this super, the trick to not getting hit is jam on the up and down of your controller and it will let u block if u do it fast enough , they tried to explain it but when i seen them test this against what you said you can block, try it out im dead serious blackheart can block. Posted by panmarblic on 01:07:2002 12:28 PM: One of the earlier articles published on this site, "traps of trade", explains BH/Doom trap, Doom/BH trap, and sentinel/BH trap. (Although the first two are really no traps at all...) It also has common counters for those teams. Posted by BigDave315 on 01:07:2002 03:46 PM: if timed properly you can block the inferno and dash through the HOD, so far i can do it with cable,storm,mag and sent so it may have to be a fast dash. WNED Posted by Spyro on 01:07:2002 06:35 PM: quote: Originally posted by psx2000 WRONG, I aint the greatest mvc2 player but i learned from team seatle at B5, that if blackheart does this super, the trick to not getting hit is jam on the up and down of your controller and it will let u block if u do it fast enough , they tried to explain it but when i seen them test this against what you said you can block, try it out im dead serious blackheart can block. Ok I'm interested in this... After BH hits Cable with inferno xx HOD, all he has to do is press up and down(repetedly?) on the joystick? How long do you have to press up and down? I'm guessing you have to do it until BH enters from the flying screen.. Could you elaborate a bit more; thanks, I want to know. Posted by EXKanzenSouzou on 01:07:2002 07:25 PM: quote: Besides Cable who else could counter back? cammys KBA, and kens Shoryu-reppa XX DHC Posted by power-dn on 01:07:2002 07:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by Spyro Ok I'm interested in this... After BH hits Cable with inferno xx HOD, all he has to do is press up and down(repetedly?) on the joystick? How long do you have to press up and down? I'm guessing you have to do it until BH enters from the flying screen.. Could you elaborate a bit more; thanks, I want to know. That's all you need to have the right idea... Posted by IcarusDownworks on 01:07:2002 09:18 PM: I play BH a lot, and I usually won't even bother trying to Inferno XX HOD against a good Cable player unless I notice he doesn't have any bars or if he's in a corner, otherwise I find myself eating lots of AHVBs. As for counters to BH, Cable gives him a pretty hard time and CapCom gives him a VERY hard time. Posted by F£É§h~Ñ~BoÑè on 01:07:2002 10:26 PM: quote: Originally posted by psx2000 WRONG, I aint the greatest mvc2 player but i learned from team seatle at B5, that if blackheart does this super, the trick to not getting hit is jam on the up and down of your controller and it will let u block if u do it fast enough , they tried to explain it but when i seen them test this against what you said you can block, try it out im dead serious blackheart can block. yeah this is it up down though???...i heard down up+back.....kauze i think the explanation is that when you dash with BH if you hold down he will do a shorter dash..and when you hold up+back after he will rise up faster....i know that the shorter dash gives you more time to recover so i can see where this would work...can any Bh player confirm the dash thing...if you hold down does he do a shorter dash?.. Posted by F£É§h~Ñ~BoÑè on 01:07:2002 10:30 PM: quote: Originally posted by power-dn After the inferno, try to walk foward. Sometimes (not all the time), you can walk out while the HOD is going. You walk right pass it and Blackheart is left wide open. If you try this... 1. You walk out. or 2. The game engine makes you block the HOD. People were very surprised when I first started doing this. yeah i do this too....if you block infernoXXHOd on the ground just hold up+forward and if thgey did it slow ...then you will be able to jump out of it....if with continue blocking....nothing to lose and alot to gain... Posted by Sicx on 01:07:2002 10:54 PM: If you are cable and have 3 + meter wait for the end of the HOD and get hit....then when the flyin screen goes you can AHVB blackheart when hes commin across the screen during his dash..... Posted by BlackShinobi on 01:07:2002 11:10 PM: Juggernaut can headcrush Blackheart out of it Sentinel in the SJ screen can jab rocket punch him out of it Magneto can air dash out of it and do whatever Posted by Adam*Warlock on 01:08:2002 12:50 AM: quote: Originally posted by Sicx If you are cable and have 3 + meter wait for the end of the HOD and get hit....then when the flyin screen goes you can AHVB blackheart when hes commin across the screen during his dash..... *sigh* Actually, as the rest of the thread states, blackheart can block... Posted by Silent Storm on 01:08:2002 05:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by IcarusDownworks I play BH a lot, and I usually won't even bother trying to Inferno XX HOD against a good Cable player unless I notice he doesn't have any bars or if he's in a corner, otherwise I find myself eating lots of AHVBs. As for counters to BH, Cable gives him a pretty hard time and CapCom gives him a VERY hard time. Do you have a hard time with Ken's aaa? Posted by Super Armor on 01:08:2002 05:52 AM: Saw this in a match in a SRK video, don´t remember which. Posted by Spyro on 01:08:2002 07:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by power-dn That's all you need to have the right idea... Ok, thanks for confirming. , got to go try it. Posted by IcarusDownworks on 01:08:2002 08:22 PM: quote: Originally posted by Silent Storm Do you have a hard time with Ken's aaa? Well, I don't play Ken very often, but even when I do, he doesn't give me a hard time, here's why: I with Blackheart against Cable I definately want to stay in the air as much as possible, and keep him below me (for obvious reasons.) Ken doesn't do nearly as good of a job at bringing me back to the ground as the Commando. CapCom comes out quicker (it seems) and has more verticle range. In times when I have played a Ken AAA I can usually see the little assist arrow and block him. But if you are asking this question because you are considering using Ken instead of CapCom, I would go with Ken, but only because with CapCom all by himself at the end of the game, I feel very limited, with Ken most players can do more. Scottie would be even better. Hope that helped. All times are GMT. The time now is 12:01 AM. Show all 20 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.